MF Amp v 1.0____________________________by : Muhammad Fajar______________________This is my third skin. I Design this skin for you who like to unhide all Winamp w
MF Amp v 1.0____________________________
by : Muhammad Fajar______________________
This is my third skin. I Design this skin for you who like to unhide all Winamp window.
You can arrange the winamp window position like this ;
- main window in normal size in the top, equalizer window in window shade mode in the middle, playlist window in full window in the bottom.
- use analyzer style don't use the osciloscope
What do you think? If you like it, use it, if not, just give it to your friend and it's your right to make a new skin with mine as a model. OK?
Don't forget to email me!
Metal Mutant Winamp Skin V1.2
By Richard Gray (Warlock of Unseen Menace)
E-mail: info-is@in-file
Just a little doc to tell you about my Winamp skin and some useful info for others who want to make their own.
About My Skin
I have downloaded ma ...
MooAMP - Winamp 2.0+ skin set
Version 2.4
WHAT IS MooAMP Wide Screen?
MooAMP is a "skin" set for Nullsoft's Winamp 2.0 or later. It completly changes the orginal
style to a well made and useful cow sty ...