----------------------------------------------------------------------- marSamp v_4.0 Skin created by marS (@compact.to)----------------------------------------
marSamp v_4.0
Skin created by marS (@compact.to)
Thanks for download marSamp 4
eemmm... I don't know what to say...
I've worked hard for this skin.. so
I hope you like it!
This skin includes everything
(except cursors)
In this version will be harder to control
the PlayList (I'm sorry)
maybe I can do better on the next one :-)
sorry again for my english :P
- Majestic 12 Winamp Skin -
This Winamp skin is brought to you
by the Majestic 12 team.
You can visit the Majestic 12 site at
made by ParanoiDinHELL
comments :: info-is@in-file
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