Winamp Ithaki skin, version 3, the Dark RMX.People with dark desktops found the original Ithaki3 colours far too bright, sohere's a dark version. Apart from the d
Winamp Ithaki skin, version 3, the Dark RMX.
People with dark desktops found the original Ithaki3 colours far too bright, so
here's a dark version. Apart from the darker colour scheme it's identical to the
normal Ithaki3 skin. All windows and shades skinned, main window contains
transparant areas (shown as black in picture).
Made on the (tiny) island of Ithaki, @ 38'25N 20'41E, summer 2004.
The Ithaki skin may be freely distributed, copied and used, providing the skin's files
aren't altered in any way and no money is charged for obtaining or using it.
Copyright Rien Post 2004. Comments and flames can be send to
-/|/- Rien
Skin Name = Millenium Ice Fusion (v5)
Skin Verison = 1.0
Skin Author = Joe W. Garrett (aka "Garet Jax")
Author Email = info-is@in-file
Special Features:
All parts of this winamp skin are done.
Winamp Main - Skinned
Winamp E ...
¤----------=[ Injection ]=-----------¤
Skin made by Daniel Jansson
No ripping or other mean stuff
E-Mail: info-is@i ...