Citric skin
by Verónica Mogni
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Skinned Main Window
- Skinned Equalizer
- Skinned Playlist
- Skinned AVS window
- Skinned Winamp Library
- Skinned Minibrowser
- Skinned Video player
- Animated cursors
- .avs
Will (Expensive Hi-Fi skinner) let me use the cursor. Thanks! I like this cursor too much.
Thanks to Skinner Atlas too.
Hope you like it.
Other skins:
- CiclonAmp
- Abismo
- AfterShock_digital_2003 (remix of AfterShock_digital).
- Navex
Thanks for downloading this one. Enjoy it!
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Condign v 1.0
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Started on: 2000.07.10
Finished on: 2001.02.12
Released on: 2002.07.21
Created by: Joshua Clark
Created with: Adobe Photosho ...
Skin name: Chilled2
Release Version: 1.0
Description: This is actually my first skin. Colours are very bright... I hope it doesn´t make your eyes hurt!
Category: Cool skins
Skin by: Jouko Valtola
E-Mail: info-is@in-file ...