При подготовке скина использован дизайн и материалы сайта www.mielofon.ru
По умолчанию выбраны курсоры скина "Audiere" Бена Митчелла (info-is@in-file)
В папке "adds" хранится второй вариант курсоров и файл скина медиа-библиотеки
Автор скина: А. Фролов (agf), info-is@in-file
(c) апрель, 2005
The design and materials of a site www.mielofon.ru is used by preparation of skin
Default cursors is "Audiere" by Ben Mitchell (info-is@in-file)
The second variant of cursors and media-library skin is stored in a folder "adds"
Skin author: A. Frolov (agf), info-is@in-file
(c) April, 2005
MPC 2000 amp
Release date: Mar 7 2003
Chris Marchese
Force of Habit Productions
This is one of my FAVORITE pieces of equipment.
Aside from the original AKAI MPC3000 v3.1, the MPC2000 v1.72
is one of the strongest pieces of outboard g ...
Everybody HELLO!!
It's my first skin in this style, but it's not my worst, I find it pretty good... your comments @: info-is@in-file!
I hope you will like it....
Visit also my webpage, with lots of stuff, thanks!