--[ TopazAmp v1.2 ]--about this skin==========================(for v2.x of Winamp)This is my first attempt at a Winamp skin, based on the design my upcoming web
--[ TopazAmp v1.2 ]--
about this skin
(for v2.x of Winamp)
This is my first attempt at a Winamp skin, based on the design my upcoming web site.
-- some bugs from v1.0 fixed
-- thanks to Wolf [http://surf.to/guf, info-is@in-file] for fixing some v1.1 bugs
--[ distribute freely, but please don't modify the images. thanks ]--
[ (c) 1999 Kelly McLarnon ]
[ website: http://topazdesigns.com ]
[ (personal: http://topazdesigns.com/~klm) ]
[ email: info-is@in-file ]
:: Transparency 2.0::
By Andrew Mackowski
This skin, in part or in whole, may not be sold or distributed without the Author's expressed written consent.
www.syclonix.net/ewebsite ...
"The Shadow" skin
for WinAMP 2.9x
Version 2.0
>>- About:
Created by I)estym
Summer-Autumn 2003
>>- Version 2.0 changes:
- skinned General plugins windows.
- slinned the video window
- added custom cursors
- new bitmap font (I ...