Themed SkinSide development of Dark Green Evo BAVS Video and Mb skinned, but not checked for bugs.Text taken from website, as are colours, and small g Themed Skin
Side development of Dark Green Evo B
AVS Video and Mb skinned, but not checked for bugs.
Text taken from website, as are colours, and small graphics.
Not original colours etc but original idea!
Any feedback or suggestions welcome.
Still haven't managed to think of better top left buttons, but the numbers pretty much the new version for DGEvoB (diff colours obviously)
(Dark Green Evo B nearly ready to be published :)
Skin XP
Par Drip, pour
Eh ben, en voilà une belle skin ! J'en peux plus, j'en ai marre... Des dizaines d'heures de travail, quelques nuits presque blanches, des week-end remplis... Près d'un mois de boulot !
Mais quelle réussite ! J'en s ...