Skin: Euclideamp Geometry
Author: jjpotter
Development Help: Skinlove Forum
-Support for Winamp 2.9
-Virtuous animations
-Mind-enriching theorems
-NUMBERS.bmp and AVS.bmp for those with older versions of Winamp
Optional Components (in "Additional Components" folder):
-NUMS_EX.bmp = roman numerals instead of decimal numbers
-EQMAIN.bmp = eq without shaded areas when eq sliders are moved.
For all you aspiring mathematicians: Check out this proof
Proof that 2=1
(a)*a=b*(a) -multiply by (a)-
-> a^2=ab
a^2-(b^2)=ab-(b^2) -subtract (b^2) from both sides-
-> a^2-b^2=ab-b^2
(a+b)*(a-b)=b*(a-b) -factor out (a-b) from both sides-
-> (a+b)*(a-b)=b*(a-b)
(a+b)=b -cancel out (a-b) from both sides-
-> a+b=b
b+b=b (since a=b)
-> 2b=b
2=1 -cancel out b's-
Figure that one out
3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647093844609550582231725359408128481117450284102701938521105559644622948954930381964428810975665933446128475648233786783165271201909145648566923460348610454326648213393607260249141273724587006606315588174881520920962829254091715364367892590360011330530548820466521384146951941511609433057270365759591953092186117381932611793105118548074462379962749567351885752724891227938183011949129833673362440656643086021394946395224737 Hint: (a-b)?
Ecto Cooler
Happy Halloween.
If you're roughly my age, this should bring back nice memories. If not, you probably have no idea what it is.
But at least it's orange.
Check out http://www.x-entertainment. ...