..::THE DREAMING WINAMP SKIN::..The Dreaming is a band comprised of Christopher Hall (Stabbing Westward), Johnny Haro (Stabbing Westward, Ecoline Crush, Star 69),
The Dreaming is a band comprised of Christopher Hall (Stabbing Westward), Johnny Haro (Stabbing Westward, Ecoline Crush, Star 69), Diego Russo (Beautiful Losers, 40 Dogs), Jonathan Dyke (Blue Girl, Snake Oil).
Their music is amazing. Support them! Buy their EPs! Listen to their music and if you're lucky enough to live on the West Coast, for God's sake... GO SEE THEM LIVE!
More information about the band can be found here: http://www.thedreamingonline.com/
Live bootlegs of their music and other info can be found here: http://www.darkestdays.net/
The Dreaming's font can be found here: http://www.themeworld.com/cgi-bin/redir.pl/fonts/glue.zip
Photo of Christopher Hall taken by Zarie during a webcast screen capture - March 2004.
Skin created April, 2004 by Jacqueline Lynch (aka "Xxtayce")
My website: http://www.beguilingvisions.com
Email: info-is@in-file
Hello people!
This is my 1st remix from my skin 'Hyperion'
My thanks go out to everyone who's downloaded
any of my skins, Winamp (The best Music Box)
and of course the skin-sites.
If ya downloaded and enjoyed this skin , or if ya ha ...
This an updated version of My Transformers Amp I have lightend it because of all the complaints I got, so i am hoping that this one is better? Most often when i recieve a complaint it is often from a person using a crt screen because they are much more du ...
Skin Obras realizado por Sieg0.
Juan Gonzalez Vazquez-Prada.
mail: info-is@in-file
ICQ: 6021782
Granada(Espaņa) 26 de Octubre del 2000. ...