;İ 2003 By Bill Donaldson
;Skin name:Extreme Chrome
;Version: 1.0
;Date Completed: August 19,2003
;Contact: info-is@in-file
;Programs: Adobe Photoshop 7.0, Photoplus 4.0 by U-lead,all Mbinner text editing and viscolor done by me.
;Skinning tools ...
Elevate 1.0 by Craig Dickson
Based on ELAN*TV 2.0 by Oleg M. Petrovsky
ELAN*TV 2.0 was a great skin, but it didn't do
the AVS, and there were a few things about it
that I wanted to change just as matters of
personal taste. Elevate 1.0 is the res ...
K'Nex Amp
For/Para Winamp 2.x 3.x And 5.x
By/Por: El*ArGeNtO
What can I say about this skin? As a child I used to love this toys (and i still love it) I started this skin a ...