Wattos Junkyard Amp
(c) 2000 Neil Harvey
http://www.wattosjunkyard.com ,now sadly defunct :(
Created for the greatest Star Wars site on the net WWW.wattosjunkyard.com.
This skin archive contains all winamp components, plus a special AVS preset, extract
the preset "wattos.avs" and save it your AVS presets directory, usualy c://program files/winamp/plugins/avs.
Version history.
24/03/03 Upgraded to WA2.9 specification.
Completed work on rest of buttons, shuff/rep etc.Added the Vol bar, but removed the Balance bar as it clashed way to much with the main image on the skin, hope this isnt a problem for anyone tested skin for any visable bugs, cleaned up the winshade mode, and added a couple of easter eggs for all u spotters out there. Watto cursor added to finish up the skin
More work on components today, including playlist stack buttons, mb buttons. Also skinned the MikroAMP skin as well for all you MikroAMP users out there, also included the MB skin to skin the inside of the MB with Wattos homepage :), Started work on the AVS preset, my first one I might add.
Having created main window, the fun bit of skinning the components gets under way,added the following files today, eq bars, playlist buttons, cbuttons, openers/closers. Also created the AVS and MB skins today.Also added a tiny tiny bit of transparancy to the main window, just for effect.
Inspired by my recent posting of my Episode 2 winamp skin (get it from wattos) I set about to create this special skin for Wattos Junkyard. Most of first day spent fiddling with the image trying different backgrounds etc, finally settled on a look that matches the site itself.
Title bars for all windows, text colours done today.
I leave you with these words from the great site itself.......
"Welcome to Watto's Junkyard! We are honored to have you here!
There is much to see and do on your visit. Check out our renowned
Episode II and III News - Updated Daily! Vote in our Poll!
Visit our Awesome Message Board and make yourself welcome.
Peruse through our amazing galleries of Fan Artwork and Fiction created by some
of the most talented artists and writers out there. Remember to Sign our Guestbook
and visit Domus Prime! Tell your friends about us and thank you for visiting the
Junkyard. We're sure we've got everything that you need."
http://www.wattosjunkyard.com ,now sadly defunct :(
"We gotta everything you need!"
var browser_type=navigator.appName
var browser_version=parseInt(navigator.appVersion)
//if NS 4+
if (browser_type=="Netscape"&&browser_version>=4)
//if IE 4+
else if (browser_type=="Microsoft Internet Explorer"&&browser_version>=4)
//Default goto page (NOT NS 4+ and NOT IE 4+)
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made by: petepan
Hi, since u liked my skin bluemetal i figured i should try making a new one.
But... well I'm not so convinced u will like this one as much as my other one... but h ...
A tribute to the great folks at nullsoft,winamp.com and skin love forums.
Dedicated to the skin love forum 2002 regulars(in no particular order):
Mr Jones
chiquita chad
simon snowflake
the only lynx
wild ...