This skin is based on an image of Red XIII, by Nomura Tetsuya.As a help, I have used the Skinner Atlas, Winamp region.txt generator and Vis Toolkit.To enable tran
This skin is based on an image of Red XIII, by Nomura Tetsuya.
As a help, I have used the Skinner Atlas, Winamp region.txt generator and Vis Toolkit.
To enable transparency (if you have WinAmp 5) change the name of _region.txt to region.txt.
*** readme.txt for FATBOYamp ***
Version: 1.00
Developed by: PHG
Published the: 24.8 2000
This is my 10īth skin! And 3'th music skin
Always wanted to be a DJ...
...well nudge those records an see 'em spin!
Make way FATBOY SLIM is ...
[FAP]CLAN Skin 1.2
by Mainyehc
Version 1.12 April 2003
Updated 3 May 2003
- Introduction (and my e-mail, IRC nick and server, etc)
- A note on bugs and skinning
- Version history
- Acknowledgements
Flight Control (Blue)
by: Jason Reeves
aka Shadow Caster
Hope you enjoy this WinAmp skin.
The design is original- please no ripping
or anything like that, it took a very long time to make.
Hope you enjoy the skin, it's my second,
so ...