Wooody ampfor Winamp Created By : ThiruContact : info-is@in-fileThis is my fourth skin that I officially published(the other three are Raw amp,Illusion,sleek am
Wooody amp
for Winamp
Created By : Thiru
Contact : info-is@in-file
This is my fourth skin that I officially published(the other three are Raw amp,Illusion,sleek amp).I've skinned most of the windows winamp has to offer.This is my fastest skin makin (may be for now),it took me two days to complete this skin(it has its drwbacks though,there are some twitches and glitches but slitt I'm contend with it).I took the theme from the age of empires installation pics.
I used Adobephotoshop,gimp,mspaint,skinner 2 se,Skinners atlas;to make this skin.
I've to thank winamp community for the tips and tricks,various guides and the most useful SKINNER'S ATLAS.Thank u for choosing the skin.
comments or requests are welcomed, send to: info-is@in-file
Windows 98 skin for Winamp v. 1,4
Author: Misiek N.
Date: 24.IX.2000
Where: Swidwin (Poland)
Hi. Thanks for downloading the third version of Windows 98- amp skin. I wanted this skin to look like the integral part of Windows 98.
;This file was modified by Winamp Transparency Tracer by Alex Vallat.
;For more information see http://www.comports.com/AlexV/TransTrace.html
;This file was generated by Winamp Transparency Tracer by Alex Vallat.
;For more information see http://www. ...
Washington DC
by NemoOrange
Version 1.0
November 2005
Made with Jasc Paint Shop Pro 7.0
nemoorange.deviantart.com :: my art
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