Created by Sandra Schuhmacher, a big WT-Fan!WT Rulez!!!-------------This Skin was partial generated using SkinAmp. Skinamp is freeware, you can download it on my
Created by Sandra Schuhmacher, a big WT-Fan!
WT Rulez!!!
This Skin was partial generated using SkinAmp. Skinamp is freeware, you can download it on my homepage!
My email: info-is@in-file
P.S.: I'm NOT the author of this skin!!!
Thank you for reading,
Dr. Algebra.
Date: 01 Mrz, 2006
- P_J's Font v 1.0-
The font included in this skin is named P_J's Font, and is created
entirely by me and was designed purely to make the song names in
the playlist easier to read.
To make this font work just move the "P_J.ttf" ...