_ _________OpticBlue v.2________ _
by Nelson Acosta
Version 2.1 - May 29, 2001
Thanks for downloading OpticBlue!
I have made many changes and corrections to this version.
"Optimism isn't some stupid glass half full/glass half empty debate. It needs to go deeper than that. It's an acceptance of the knowledge that no matter what happens, we as humans can deal with it, and even more, can learn from it.
If then "
Orace Signature Amp
This is yet another blue-themed skin. May be my last classic for a while as I've been dabbling with some free-formed skins. As usual AVS and MikroAmp have been skinned. Send any comments or suggestions to info-is@in-file
Agai ...
By Diego Schneider
Finalmente terminei este skin...
Como a idéia deste era muito
parecida como a primeira versão
do ORACULO SPECTRUM eu resolvi dar
o mesmo nome.
ORANGE-AMP v1.7 by Barta
Part of the COLOR-AMP collection : WinAmp in 10 flavours.
Playlist's font is Orbi ...
Orange Blossom - Winamp 5.2 Classic Skin
Tools used:
*Photoshop CS
*Skinner's Atlas by Jellby
*Flower brushes for Photoshop, by elfe-noire43, found in http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/31099383/
*A very nice font called National Primary, by Rog ...
Orange Fission
By Andrew Mackowski, info-is@in-file
Thanks for D/L'ing!
Also, Please don't post this skin on your site or use parts of it in your skin without my permission! Just ask me--I'll probab ...