The Man-Machine 1.0A tribute to KRAFTWERK's album "THE MAN-MACHINE".It was released at about quarter of a century ago.Veeerryy
The Man-Machine 1.0
A tribute to KRAFTWERK's album "THE MAN-MACHINE".
It was released at about quarter of a century ago.
But It's still very cool!
I love this album.
This skin is my first attempt to Picture skin.
Maybe not functional...The reason why
I didn't want to hide a picture by the buttons.
Because I think that a picture is most important for the picture skin.
I hope you like it.
Do not use any stuff of this skin without permission.
Do not use commercial purpose without permission.
Do not republish without permission.
by Mrym
Tori Amos
(yet another Tori Amos Winamp skin)
(and my best Tori skin so far)
skin creator: Nini
contact: info-is@in-file
or: ...
Time Stranger Kyoko
Jin Sakataki
by Kyrddis
20 January 2003
Yeah another TSK skin. But this time with a male character... isn't he nice... or better hot^^'
This time no song as title... I do not know enough about him to find a suitable song.
Howev ...