====================== ---=== the CUBE v1.0 ===---====================== creator: Kukicontact: info-is@in-file (in english or german)=========================
---=== the CUBE v1.0 ===---
creator: Kuki
contact: info-is@in-file
(in english or german)
A friend told me there was a movie in the theaters a year ago or something called 'The Cube' (I haven't seen it yet). If you wondered, this skin is NOT inspired by the motion picture...
This is the actual story behind this skin:
Friday afternoon, a school building, philosophy class... I was drawing geometrical objects in my notebook in order not to fall asleep. And this is what I came out with!
BACK TO THE BASICS! I hope this is the proof that cool skins don't have to be 3D! -enjoy.
>> (c) all graphics by Kuki
>> It is prohibited to:
- edit any files in this archive
- use any files in this archive for other skin projects
- publish this skin without my permission
- sell this skin separately or in a package
*this skin is freeware*
>> skinned 4-24-01
>> If you wanna create your own skins and don't have a clue how to do it, check out winamp.com and look for the developer section. There should be a skin tutorial that'll help you out
>> software used:
- Paint Shop Pro 5 Evaluation
- Maxim's region.txt maker (http://winamp.mwos.cjb.net)
>> the author likes to thank:
Mr. Steinbach for the inspiration :))
Maxim (you're tha man!) for the best transparency program ever built
other skins done by me:
blink182 amp (****)
MTV amp (****)
-** The Silence Amp **-
-April, 2000
--This skin was created with Adobe Photoshop 5.5, my brain & a lot of time :)
--The cursors were done with Axialis Ax-Cursors 4.5
--Check out some other stuff I've done at my web page:
http://www ...