Winamp skin: MacOS X - With a small drop of ink Based on Apple's MacOS X Aqua user interface Skin by Mathijs van Altvorst (info-is@in-file)I was motivated to mak
Winamp skin: MacOS X - With a small drop of ink
Based on Apple's MacOS X Aqua user interface
Skin by Mathijs van Altvorst (info-is@in-file)
I was motivated to make this skin after I downloaded the "Winamp X" skin, made by DeeLight. I altered the skin to my preferences. The overal visibility of buttons has improved and not commonly used buttons are wiped out (my opinion: less is more).
Last updated: November 2005
name - WarnerBrosAmp
release - v1.0
description - Logo of Warner Bros
category - Movie+Tv
alias - Qba
e-mail - info-is@in-file
It's my third skin and it contains the main window, the playlist, the equalizer and the minibrowser.
I used Micrografx: ...