xBLUExThis skin,I think is better than the other skins I've made(the most complete one too).I'll soon be hosting a site where the winamp skinners will get useful t
This skin,I think is better than the other skins I've made(the most complete one too).I'll soon be hosting a site where the winamp skinners will get useful tools and links that will speedup and enrich their skinning process.So hope u like the skin.Any comments or suggestions,contact me: info-is@in-file
XBOX from Microsoft
Released April 10th 2001
*Bandung - Indonesia*
Hi all the skin collector, thank's for downloading this skin, and i hope you like and enjoy.
For the best quality, make sure you run in true-color
(24 or 32 bit) display with a re ...
---XARIUS 15---
Creator:Kamil Kozlowski ALIAS Coyote
Finished:16.08.2000 20:21:03
THANKS for downloading
my latest creation.
You're probably wondering
what does the skin name mean,
well...it doesn't mean anything.
I just wanted it to sound
dif ...