TORO skin v1.2 + Designed by: [ar[ar(c)1999 info-is@in-file+ Installation Notes: extract files into the skins folder (e.g. C:ProgrammiWinampSkinsTORO) lo
TORO skin v1.2
+ Designed by:
+ Installation Notes:
extract files into the skins folder (e.g. C:ProgrammiWinampSkinsTORO)
load winamp press Alt+s and select TORO from the skins window
+ In this version:
smaller zip file
changed bottons
added styled cursors
and more minor changes
NOTE: if you don't like the cursors you can turn them off in preference/display.
-=( Tenjou Tenge )=-
My second Winamp skin (My first one was made
3 years ago for the anime NOIR ^^).Well This
time it's dedicated for the manga Tenjou
Tenge (the anime is curently airing).
I hadn't the equaliser since i think th ...
Project V.1.5
Created by: The Safety Lemur
Contact Info:
Larry D. Lemur: