Hialloz, in case you didn´t notice, the "things"
that work as the equalizer´s buttons are tiny steaming versions of those
big deformed kettles that are so often seen in Ranma 1/2. If you press on
them, what you´ll see are supossed to be buckets of water.
I stole the idea of those buttons from Tim Maynard's Ranma 1/2 skin.
I made them myself and that explains why they´re so hard to understand.
Since I made this skin I would like this .txt to be transferred with it so
I can at least get credit for making this thing that took more time than what it
deserved, now that I think about it.. Be nice and don´t erase this if you put this
skin in your webpage or something.
July 2000
Carolina Becerra
January 1st, 2001
This skin has been updated. I hope the changes were for better and not for worse =P
ADMIRAL skin by FerNando Mendez
22-09.2001 17OO
FINISH DATE 03-10.2001
Do you want to know the story?:
All started when me and my family were in my house having a chat
when i realize that there was a stereo's catalog under ...
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
Every time I look at this...
my eyes start to itch *grin*
A nice little skin made up of
all the metals I'm unfortunately
allergic to.
Thanks to everyone who has
put up with all of my 'metallic'
skins so far....yes there w ...