Phantomizer v1.1-A few things about the skin: -I made the skin in about 4 days. -All the goodies are included, region.txt, the cursors and the AVS -At first the
|Phantomizer v1.1|
-A few things about the skin:
-I made the skin in about 4 days.
-All the goodies are included, region.txt, the cursors and the AVS
-At first the skin was made with Moray and then edited with PSP 6.
-New for the v1.1:
-I've added the cursors, and made a few changes to the titlebar.bmp
-If you have something to say about my skin you can
contact me at info-is@in-file
(icq: 64345036)
-Visit also my homepage:
Hope the skin looks good, and hope you like it.
[parasitic decoy]
:creator: neural
:created under: version 2.80
:windows skinned: every single last on of 'em
omg, its a light winamp skin by neural. the end of the world is a'comin! if its too bright for you, then, um, get out more and stare ...