--------------------------------- metalWorks 2001 (relaxing blue edition) by Kenneth Wong 01 June 2001---------------------------------[ Introduction Instal
metalWorks 2001
(relaxing blue edition)
Kenneth Wong
01 June 2001
[ Introduction | Installation | Easter Egg |
My Other Skin | Copyright | Feedback ]
This skin is created while I am (still) unemployed as I am a fresh graduate from UPM. Yeah, so damn free! As usual to my concept, this skin size is made as small as possible for easy downloading. All graphics are 256-colors or less and later compressed to the max. The inspiration for the creation of 'metalWorks' is based on a metal junkyard, hehehe... (Do you noticed that as if some metal pieces here and there were picked up and put together to form a skin?!?) but I do think so...
Your Winamp should have automatically installed this .wsz skin by now. In case your Winamp doesn't support .wsz skin file, just rename the extension .wsz to .zip and put it in the skins directory.
There is no easter egg for this skin, however my first skin SB Live! Liveware, there is an easter egg hidden somewhere in the skin. For further information on how to access the easter egg, please download this file 'SB_Liveware_30.wsz' and refer to the skin browser's info.
(just search for liveware at www.winamp.com)
Also available for download - SB Live! Liveware Skin, closely resembles Creative Surround Mixer/Playcenter for SB Live!
(just search for liveware at www.winamp.com)
This skin is purely original and designed from sketch using Adobe Photoshop. If somehow there are some similarities to other skins, to be honest it is just a pure coincidence because so far I have never come across any skin like 'metalWorks'.
Feel free to e-mail me regarding the skin.
email: info-is@in-file
Made this while I'm still looking for a job (just graduated). Fully skinned with transparency and built-in documentation. All graphics are original including cursors which I designed from sketch. As usual this file size is made small enough for easy downloading. (Also, check out my 1st skin, 'SB Live! Liveware'. just search for 'liveware')
This skin uses images from assorted 14C and 15C Florentine manuscripts I tried to pick ones, mainly of famous Florentine structures which worked well together.
Hope you enjoy it. ...
When stsrting this skin I set out to make Winamp look s simple as possible.
I have used only two colours in most of it (three if you include the selected background).
Although stark and simplistic I thnk it looks good.