Greetings to all of you using this skin!
Здравейте и вие българи от цял свят!
This skin is the 4th I've designed but it's based on my first Sony mp2000.Actualy is a remake that I should have done a long time ago... this skin will be available for Winamp3 also as planned.
This skin is commited to the country known less or more to the world by the name
B U L G A R I A .
It's situated on the Balkans in South-East Europe.It has a sea shore with a lovely summer resorts(try them!) and a high mountain-chains suitable for skiing and everything else, climbing, or even just breathing the fresh natural clean air...
The cities are nice and authentic because there's too much history here-1300 years of it.:)
Here ruled the ancient Romanes or the mighty Turk Empire, even the Communists ruled for 45 years-wich was perhaps the worst that could happen after the WW2 state separation.
The Capital is named Sofija-a 1,5 million city with all the extras Metro, Cinemas, Theaters,Big Malls, Street bazars etc.The problem here is that we have a lot of gangsters and we can't handle them all, our laws are very unsuitable
and old, the new technology is never involved in the crime fighting or the police departments. On the contrary the gangsters are using high-tech cars, mobile communications, weapons and everything to steal, kill, and humaliate people. They are brutal. The laws are week.It's compareable to America in the 30ies. We have a lots of Al Capones and Supermen are too little.
Dear skin user, If you have an idea on how to fight crime please post it to me.
If you have the power to help our country please do so.
The economical state of the country is also in poor condition. Politics are not good enough to revive the real modern economic principals, so evrybody suffers. 95% of the population is let's say not poor but living in very very low standarts. Hourly wage: less than a 1$, the mid-wage is 100$ per month and that includes wages like 3000$ and more....which are king kong wages for our standarts.
Well, that's all.
so: my country- me needs your support so please if you think it worths it put whatever sum you decide will be adequate but no more then 5$ in the bill, hope your bank does not charge for such a sums...
Bank and Account Number:
Swift code: FINVBGSF
Bank code: 150-915-01
Account: 100-607-713-01
If you don't support that will be OK. It' is not a big deal, it will be great... anyway all the credit should go to the creators of that tiny lovely program - our beloved Winamp! Respect and thanx to those fine young talents in the programing!....So feel free to use the design anyway. Hope you enjoy it!Let it form your way of accepting future designs from now.
The Design is smooth and simple, let's say metal look, with almost all the extras, in modern red colour, which also represents an aggressiv and stylish feel.Details are important. The national Flag (white,green,red) appears in all the spectral displays...
See you in winam3!!!!:) Peter@
За вас българи какво да ви кажа. Ние сме малка и бедна страна но можеше и да не сме толкова бедни ако не си бяхме помогнали отвътре. Не случайно има толкова много извън страната ни сънародници. Все още да излезеш от страната звучи като лукс, да караш Голф или Ауди на старо като мечта недай си боже да си купиш къща.... ех мечти!:) А това са най обикновените неща...
Благодаря на гаджето ми Хриси (thanx baby, love you!!!kisses), на всики близки и приятели, на Марк, един човек от Щатите..., обичам ви.
Поздравявам чораджиите със спортните коли дано да не се пречукате или да не пречукате някой друг, дето не иска да се пречука, поздравявам и всички мутри, дано да влезете в затвора един ден завинаги, той Филчев ще ви каже, шефовете на фирми,които ги е страх да не ги килнат килърите, щото са пипали където не трябва, да се скъсат от страх (амин!) а всички честни хора дръжте се идва нашият ред!
Поздрави на полицията, стегнете се и вижте реалността тези пари и коли можеха да бъдат ваши ако не работехте заедно с Мутракис, онези ви купуват за жълти стотинки...и ви се смеят. Пребийте ги и ги вкарайте където им е мястото и им карайте колите с буркан като ченгетата от филмите...
Чао на всички.
Скоро пак ще се видим в Уинамп3-програмата е доста по-добра от досегашната...опитайте я!
Enjoy the feeling...
Bang & Olfsen Blue v2.50
Released December 11th 1999
thank you for downloading this skin. make sure you have at least
winamp 2.09 ...
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"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
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