Synapse (for winamp v2.5) Version: First ReleaseCREATED: Jan 16, 2000CONTENTS: 1)Main 2)Equalizer 3)Playlist 4)Mini BrowserABOUT: This is an improveme
Synapse (for winamp v2.5)
Version: First Release
CREATED: Jan 16, 2000
4)Mini Browser
This is an improvement my first winamp skin (iridium) - and all the skins in the net for that matter. - just joking : )
Everyone's free to copy and share the skin but PLEASE DON'T ALTER ANYTHING BEFORE PASSING IT AROUND - KEEP IT PURE OK !
Ajie - for his Winamp Skin Maker version 1.2 - for making things easier (you could send me the rest of the skinner though) : )
You can check for update version on his web page:
Kons Koh - for teaching me some tricks in Adobe Photoshop
Step 1: Make a New Folder in your WinAmp Skins Directory
(e.g. C:Program FilesWinampSkins Synapse)
Step 2: Extract all the files in the into the folder you made in step 1.
Step 3: Open WinAmp Click in the top left Corner go to Skins then choose Synapse.
***For users of Winamp 2.04 or higher just copy the whole ZIP-File to the winamp/skins directory.***
Author: Par Patacsil
E-Mail: info-is@in-file
ICQ No: 53807453 (Alex)
**** RESPECT to all the ARTISTS whose music appear in my preview playlist - keep the beats flowing ! ****
I'm Blue! v1.0 September 3rd, 2000
Creator: Lasse Adolphsen
E-mail: info-is@in-file
For mo ...
Ecto Cooler
Happy Halloween.
If you're roughly my age, this should bring back nice memories. If not, you probably have no idea what it is.
But at least it's orange.
Check out http://www.x-entertainment. ...