DragonIce / NebFræk : skin - 001
This skin was created by me, DragonIce, or NebFræk i you want - im one
and the same person. Its my first skin, so basically, i downloaded the
the base skin, and edited it...hope no-one minds. Anyway thanks if you
like it.
Thanks to...
Winamp, for creating this cool program.
Anybody, who had a hand in creating the developer's info on the site.
You, for downloading this skin!
Scribble AMP v1.0
Scribble AMP
Skin based on scribbly paper with everything skinned
(MB, all buttons, and AVS...is that required?)
all-in-all good skin worthy of being posted.
Cool skins category
Evan Bauer
info-is@in-file ...
20 January 2006
Green skin ammm..........................thingy... :)
Hope you'l like this one
This one was made entirely in good ol'
- comments ? - info-is@in-file
\\\\ ...
This skin is the replica to the actual SONY RX77S.
It is the updated version and the best skin i have made.
Please enjoy it, but if u do make any changes 2 it dont take
cred 4 it.
This is the update:
The following aspects have be ...