Alfa PlusCreated By : Ahmed Waqas Abid.Thank You for using my skin.I follow my home stereo deck to make this skin.I made this skin approximately in 20 days.I als
Alfa Plus
Created By : Ahmed Waqas Abid.
Thank You for using my skin.
I follow my home stereo deck to make this skin.I made this skin approximately in 20 days.I also made the "Matching Cursor" for it.Please check them if you disable them.I made this skin "transarent" to look like my home stereo deck.Please enable easy move option to move winamp eaisly.
If there is any Bug in this skin please e-mail me at:
I'll happy to listen any comments and suggestion.
I'm also building my site but its not ready now.....
Again thank's for downloading my skin.
Por Verónica Mogni
Comentarios? Sugerencias? info-is@in-file
Septiembre 2002
Buenos Aires - Argentina
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