-Fractal Distortion-created by Dar Kumawebsite : www.KoVurt-Design.tke-mail : info-is@in-file-------------------------------------------------------------------
-Fractal Distortion-
created by Dar Kuma
website : www.KoVurt-Design.tk
e-mail : info-is@in-file
date started : 01 January 2006, 02:12am
date finished : 18 July 2006, 01:10am
sorry for the crappy genex,thats the one thing that really annoys me as i can never get it right
i have spent a lot of time on this so i hope whoever reads this appreciates that
thank you
- DO NOT pass this skin as your work
- DO NOT publish this skin without my permission
- DO NOT use elements of my skins for your own projects
- you may edit this skin for PERSONAL USE ONLY
if you have any suggestions e-mail :info-is@in-file
thanxs for using Fractal Distortion
Dar Kuma
Skin do Clube de Regatas do Flamengo
campeão mundial, pentacampeão brasileiro,
inúmeros títulos estaduais.
Feito por André Damasceno - 06 de maio de 2001
info-is@in-file ...