Creator - - - - - Forever Chaos
Email - - - - - - info-is@in-file
Skin Name - - Lascivious
Completed - - June 28, 2002
Skinned - - - - Main/Eq/PL/Mb/Cursors/MikroAmp/MBinner
Artwork - - - - Paint Shop Pro 7.0
Cursors - - - - Microangelo
HTML Editor - Notepad
*All facets of Winamp v2.x completed in this skin.
My skins are created for me only. If you download and like what you see, I appreciate feedback. I can be emailed at the above address.
This skin and all of my skins are original artwork unless otherwise noted in the readme file. If you believe my skin is a rip, be prepared to prove it. I keep all Template files and layers saved to my hard drive for future updates.
Winamp is Freeware *yay!!!* and can be downloaded at
Please don't steal my skin and put your name on it. If you'd like pointers on how to make winamp skins, please ask or visit the winamp forums. I put a lot of work into my skins, imagine if you worked for weeks and someone else got the credit... You wouldn't like it either.
~ Forever Loves Chaos ~
Thank you.
Liquidium v1.0
By James Ness
Hey! This is Nessy with my third commercially done skin!!
I hope you like it, I think it looks ace!
Anyway you can expect plenty more skins from me in t ...