-------------Blizzard v2.0 =============All images were skinned using Photoshop 7.0, Service Utility, Skinner Utility.Updates:04/29/2003- cbuttons, make large
Blizzard v2.0
All images were skinned using Photoshop 7.0, Service Utility, Skinner Utility.
- cbuttons, make larger and smoother
- 3dCurves on main, mb, pledit
- NUMBERS, changed
- added, video window skin (WA2.9)
- added, media library skin (WA2.9)
- AVS.BMP not remove for Winamp 2.8 and below
Author: ely ocbina
e-mial: info-is@in-file
Winamp is a registered trademark of nullsoft, Inc.
Adobe Photoshop is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Inc.
Windows XP, Microsoft, Windows and Windows Logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corp.
Esta skin fue creada para:
**Mónica Rodriguez S**
Con todo el afecto que nace
de mi alma, esperando que sea de
tu agrado mi amor
Eres la mujer más Bella del mundo.