Dia Dhuit ! That's Irish for Hello. Being a native Irishman I decided to do this skin. It's the great Irish Flag, of corse, with a celtic cross for the &amp
Dia Dhuit ! That's Irish for Hello. Being a native Irishman I decided to do this skin. It's the great Irish Flag, of corse, with a celtic cross for the "about" button, a shamrock for the options and complete with skinned equalizer, playlist editor, minibrowser and cursors. If you don't like the cursors you can turn them off in preference/display.
Hope you like the skin !
Donnacha Kenny
Slan leat agus go raibh maith agat. (Goodbye and thank you very much.)
Skin by Bart Manintveld (Pencilgod), November 2004
Some of the ship and building designs have been copied from Raptor: Call of the Shadows. They have been entirely reskinned however, because the originals wer ...
December 2001
Intrude v1.0
By Mike McKimm -=[ PeaceMaker ]=-
Hey! I hope you enjoy this skin as much as I do. It took a bit of effort but I think it all paid off. Something original I hope, nothing too metalic based, because thats all been done bef ...