:::::Western Decay:::::
by: c-specter (Christian Schönrank)
'Western Decay' is a part of the #3 pack 'Araneae' by the artgroup Artex.
skin finished: 08.29.02
this skin includes skinned:
thank you for downloading 'Western Decay'.
This skin is a copyright of Kawaii Hitsuji. Please do not claim
credit or ownership for this skin, as well as publish for any business
purposes. This skin is free for all to enjoy and I hope everyone respects
the Copyright Laws. If you would like to up ...
[Winamper 02]
By: R u b e n A v i l a
Inspired in my own imagination, i
tried not to make it difficult to
understant it at first sigth.
Readable, simple and quite futuristic
i guess, =)
Actually, this skin is the sequel of
a skin i ma ...