Goto2000 Winamp Skin- Release version: 1.0- Description: This is millenium skin for Winamp. "2000" in main window is not in back
Goto2000 Winamp Skin
- Release version: 1.0
- Description: This is millenium skin for Winamp. "2000" in main window is not in background, it has made transparent with region.txt, so you can delete the text file (or move it to another skin!!!!!!!) transparency and "2000" disappears. The background of the skin is very simple: gray and black and just a few other colors in buttons etc.; 4 bit color palette.
Tip: Create a new folder in Winamp/Skins. Open region.txt and save it as region.txt in the new folder (or extract it from Now you've got "new" millenium skin.
This Skin was generated using SkinAmp. SkinAmp is freeware, so if you want to get it, just mail me!
My email: info-is@in-file
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