1 textbox bg
2 textbox text
3 bg
4 button text
5 text
6 3d highlight
7 selection
8 buttonbar face
9 buttonbar text
10 buttonbar highlight
11 buttonbar lowlight
12 buttonbar lowlight2
13 buttonbar unused
14 scrollbar bg1
15 scrollbar bg2
16 scrollbar selection1
17 scrollbar selection2
18 scrollbar scrollbar corner
this skin was made by Mark McGirr (MDWM).
copyright held by MDWM through space, time and dimension.
email mdwmr@hotmail,com for permission to use the design concept of this skin.
Flying Buttons
Created by Jaroslav Voves
v 1.0 - release Juni 2002
I hope it's true 3D
(on black desktop)?
Send your comments to
Ceska Lipa, Czech Republic, Europe
Skin name: FOWL 7
Version: Simply so
My name : Vulf
E-mail: info-is@in-file
Coments: This is my 10 skin.
This skin has been created with
Corel Photo-Paint 10 (thanks to Corel) ,
Microsoft Paint 5.1
WinRar archi ...
FlameAmp Version 2.0 - Adam DeVore
A revisit to my first skin with some new
backup. The only thing brought from the
original FlameAmp is the background. The
rest of the design was taken from one of
my m ...