Bacardi v1.0 - by Stephan Hoekstra info-is@in-file Bacardi rum!! Booze rules!Bacardi is a trademark of Bacardi Inc(or something).Http://www.Bacardi.comWinamp
BABANAMP - by E.C. Brummel
version 1.1 - 31-08-2001
Thanks for downloading and trying my second Winamp skin.
The full skin is created in Adobe Photoshop 6.0.
Version 1.1 (02-09-2001):
* EQ, Playlist, Minibrowser and AVS added.
Version 1.0 ...
Blood Thirsty
Blood Thirsty is one of the skin's that I know you just could not pass up (thats why you downloaded it right?)! So u like or not like? Don't miss ...