----Krzysztof Kieslowski - BLUE ---- -skin by StillWater- version 1.4All of my skins, in the most current version, are here: http://www.1001winampskins.com/member
----Krzysztof Kieslowski - BLUE ----
-skin by StillWater- version 1.4
All of my skins, in the most current version, are here: http://www.1001winampskins.com/member_profile.html?author_id=13265
For my MikroAmp skins, go to: http://winamp.com/components/detail.jhtml?componentId=103127
(Or, in both cases, just click the link inside the minibrowser - if you have MikroAmp installed)
This skin comes with 8 Milkdrop presets I made specially for this skin - all blue of course. I hope you check them out - to me, they're as important as the skin, if not more so. If you don't know what Milkdrop is, it's a great visualisation plugin for Winamp - download it at milkdrop.co.uk
To get the presets, open the WSZ with a ZIP program and extract them into your winamp/plugins/milkdrop folder.
Keep in mind that most of the presets look best in a darkened room and with dynamic music (except for "Hovering over Neptune", which looks best with ambient music)
This skin is based on the Polish film director Krzysztof Kieslowski's beautiful film "Blue" ("Bleu"; "Niebieski").Skins for the other two films in Kieslowski's trilogy, Red and White, are also available.
The skin includes:
-All the usual stuff
-MikroAMP plugin skinned
-Inside of MB skinned (requires MikroAmp)
-VIDAMP plugin skinned
-8 Milkdrop presets
Thanks to everyone at the Winamp.com skin-love forum who gave me feedback about this skin.
I hope you like the skin and the Milkdrop presets
Czerwony - Krzysztof Kieslowski
Kieslowski Web Network
E-mail StillWater
"Fire & Steel" v1.0 WinAmp skin
Author: Schott in the Head
Complete with MN, PL, EQ & MB skins
Currently there is no AVI skin.
Look for it when v2.0 is released
If you like clean & simple this is the skin for you.
With all the ...
Commander Keen 4 skin by StillWater
Made for the Nostalgia Skin contest of 2004
Newest versions of my sklins are here:
http://stillwater--.deviantart.com/ ...