Hooloovooa superinteligent shade of the color blueWhat's this you say? It's not blue?The previous version was blue. It also had cracks.People complained about t
a superinteligent shade of the color blue
What's this you say? It's not blue?
The previous version was blue. It also had cracks.
People complained about the cracks so I removed them.
But I wanted to make sure people had something to copmlain about, so I made it pink.
skin by
A:link {text-decoration: none; color: #808080}
A:visited {text-decoration: none; color: #808080}
A:active {text-decoration: none; color: #808080}
A:hover {text-decoration: underline; color: #808080;}
:: Houston Rockets ::
I come from Yao Ming's hometown--Shanghai, and I love this great NBA team! So I made this skin to go with my new Houston Rockets desktop theme.(including WB, Cursors and Wallpaper)
Welcome to My homepage:
http://y ...
This skin contains 2 versions of EQMAIN.BMP. The default doesn't support equalizer. If you need it open the skin with winzip and rename the "EQMAN.BMP" file into someother and name the "EQMAIN - with EQ.BMP" to "EQMAIN.BMP".
Send your comments to info-i ...
- = Hitokiri_Battousai = -
This skin is dedicated to all
fans of Rurouni Kenshin......
I really love Anime` thats why
i made a simple skin for kenshin.
IsAnG hAnGaL
CHeCk mY oThEr SkinS NaMeD:
NiGhTeLfAmP ...