Great !!!!
BuHeHeAmp skin ....
Simply this is BuHeHe Amp ... my first skin ... i hope that there are no errors on it ...
If you´ve got something to tell me .... please write me on info-is@in-file
Peter Kuk
TeamBG Presents...
Baldur's Amp v.1.1
For more cool Baldur's Gate related
utilities and information visit:
This WinAmp skin is the first one I've ever
made, and I think it turned out pretty good.
It's modeled both after the game and the
character editor that I made for BG.
TeamBG is dedicated to making the tools that
will allow those die hard Dungeon Master types
out there to use BG to make there custom AD&D
type RPG adventures.
Baldur's Gate is the most impressive CRPG to
date, and I can't wait for them to make a true
RPG I'm gonna try to make BG into
what we need!
So come and visit TeamBG at the URL listed
above and see what we're up to, and download
some of our BG utilities while you're there!
-Ken Baker.
The Blair Witch Project Amp (1)
This Winamp skin was made by Vickie Mapes (info-is@in-file).
I have no affiliation with anyone involved with
the movie The Blair Witch Project. I just liked
the movie and thought I'd make a skin for it.
I'll be t ...