Aug 6, 1999
Ahhh, Sakuya of the pretty blue eyes... what a dreamboat you are :)
Sakuya is from Kaikan Phrase, one of the more recent anime series to
hit Japanese TV as of this writing :) It is based on a manga series by
Shinjo Mayu. The story (in t ...
*** KFC Meer ***
Skin made for soccer club KFC Meer from Belgium. The skin has the same style as the website (which I also created).
(skin created with Paintshop Pro, Skinner, IconEdit Pro)
kAysEr. ...
*** readme.txt for KASHMIRamp ***
Developed by: PHG
This skin is made from the cover of the Danish band
KASHMIR's CD "The Good Life".
The pictures used are from the CD-cover. Seem familiar?
It's building plans for The Sydney Operah ...