Dark Green Evo 0x0E15th generation skin by EJPlaylist Font:Set as "Small Fonts", which looks rubbish above size 9.Change font
Dark Green Evo 0x0E
15th generation skin by EJ
Playlist Font:
Set as "Small Fonts", which looks rubbish above size 9.
Change font size to 9 in Options, Preferences, Playlist, Playlist Editor Appearance, Playlist Font Size.
[Also you can do this by selecting the playlist window, pressing 'Ctrl' & Numberpad '+' or '-']
You can also change to whatever font you want to use by dechecking "Use Skin or Language Pack Font"
Changes in Evo E:
Darker than previous skins.
I thought that it was a bit too bright and hard on the eyes, but this one's still bright enough to read easily.
Colours changed generally like: 0,255,0 -> 0,192,0 & 0,128,0 -> 0,96,0 etc.
Finally I've got round to sorting out which pixels govern which bits of the media library, and made it look decent enough to use!
I've only slightly darkened the playlist font colour to keep it readable.
Comments welcome
[You can email info-is@in-file with feedback or suggestions, or use winamp feedback]
Please feel free to use this as a base skin for making other skins.
Desert Amp™ 1.00
Witam jest to już moja druga skóra do WinAmpa. Spędziłem nad nią znacznie więcej czasu niż nad pierwszą (Rejs Amp™), ale myślę, że było warto. Pomysł powstania był bardzo p ...
D-AMP 1.0
Author - Fyre
Date - 2/1/00
well, another of my skins, made all from ms paint...yea, looks good doesn't it...nope didn't use a single application with special effects...just plain cut and paste and pixel by pixel colorin ...