>> BootAMP Final Version 1 Aeon< Kienzler WWW: http://www.theaeon.defor Boot-Camp EV LANPARTYWWW: http://www.boot-ca
>> BootAMP Final Version 1 Aeon< Kienzler
WWW: http://www.theaeon.de
for Boot-Camp EV LANPARTY
WWW: http://www.boot-camp.net
Skinned Parts:
- Main Window
- Equalizer
- Playlist
- Win Shades
- MiniBrowser
- Library
- Video Window
- Advanced Visulation Studio
!!NO!! old AVS window. Get the newer
Winamp 2.9x on www.Winamp.com.
Author: Dirk Kienzler
e-mial: info-is@in-file
Thanks to: Zahrun, Blafh, Infi, Fredy
and some DeviantArt guys for critic
and comments
And of course thanks to Sacrat and
Imagine for their great tutorial.
Also Thanks to Maxim for the great
region text tool and last but not least
thanks to Arteym Tatarov for the also
great button extractor.
Winamp is a registered trademark of
Blakamp Skin
This skin was created with Corel Draw 9.0 by Heright F. Kohler, during 5 hours the day 15 of January of 2003.
I dedicate this and all my skins to my sweetheart Carolina, who is all the inspiration of my life.
This Skin ...
Black And White
By El*ArGeNtO
This is my second entry for the Monochrome Classic Contest at winamp forum(skinlove) http://forums.winamp.com
This is a kind of retro skin, hope you like it...
It's a bit scruffy but i like the style :D