_____________________________________ StarAmp v1.2 256 for Winamp 2.02+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Who: Think (alias Cutmasta alias Chris B.)How long
| StarAmp v1.2 256 for Winamp 2.02+ |
Who: Think (alias Cutmasta alias Chris B.)
How long: 15h (+/- 2h and 3 minutes)
When: 2nd of May, 1999
Where: Innsbruck, Austria (AUSTRIA, not Australia...)
With: PhotoPaint 7.0, Picture Publisher 8, Paint ;->
Contact: info-is@in-file
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| Hi once more... Here's version 1.2 of the StarAmp in 256 |
| amazing colors. There should be no more bugs left now. |
| I think it's complete (or even it's supposed to be so). |
| Here is the rest of the old readme-file: |
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Hi everybody ! Even if nobody reads those (nasty) readme-files,
I decided to include one. This is my first skin for Winamp 2.02+
(I only tested it on my old 2.02-Version, hope it also goes along
with older versions), so it's not what I wanted it to be when I
started (as you can imagine). This skin has been made for my own
purpose, because none of the skins I had matched my wallpaper
(included as "wallpaper stars.bmp"). The decition to make my own
skin followed. AH, and don't forget to install the included font
"juliusc.ttf" (used for the pl) !!!
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(P.S.: Oh yeah, I'm still searching for some free webspace. And if
you still know where I can get a few megs: MAIL ME !!!)
(P.P.S.: And YES, i'm still planning to release NEW skins
and some old ones.)
...:::>Solarorb v1.2by C_Specter
So Greetings earth..., ehm this is the second version of Solarorb. I hope you find it nice.
I still like to thank all the crazy, strange ...
** S-AMP 2.0 **
S-AMP 2.0 is just
like the green
1.0. I changed
a lot of the
buttons so that
they really
go "down" when
pressed. I also
corrected some bugs
in the windowshade
mode and changed
the number display.
The playlist's
buttons no ...
****Spawn v 1.0****
Hey my adoring fans xotrex is b...ack
and i have brought to you a creation
If you heard about The Cyrac, i must tell
you that the Cyrac has been spawned into
The ...