--------- Lara Strikes 1.70 -------------
par Rainstorm
Dernière mise à jour: 17 Juin 2003
E-mail: info-is@in-file
Site Web: http://www.rainstorm.fr.st
Adapté pour Winamp 2.9x.
Ajout des skins pour la fenêtre Vidéo et Library.
Quelques trucs de changés à gauche à droite.
--------- Lara Strikes 1.70 -------------
by Rainstorm
Last Update: June, 17th 2003
E-mail: info-is@in-file
Homepage: http://www.rainstorm.fr.st
Skinned for Winamp 2.9x.
Add skins for Video & Library windows.
Some things have been changed too.
Lara Croft WinAmp Skin v1.0
Lara Croft Winamp skin (version 1.0) created by Yeo.
This is my first attempt at creating a Winamp skin and I must admit
it took me a LOT of my time, but it's fun!
Any comments(good or bad ...
I made this skin in one day.
*sigh* The characters and stuff belong to Homestarrunner.com, and I don't have anything to do with them. But I think you should check out the site if you haven't.
-LuigiHann (info-is@in-f ...
~~~ LeadAmp Version 1.0 ~~~
By Pancho93
All Windows skined
Perhaps I'll go back and crop the black out in later versions. But if anyone has any suggestions i'll be happy to take em...This i ...