SCROID for WinAmp2001 Deadly Six DesignsThis skin was an attempt at creating a very easy to use skin, with lots of intricate details. The skin looks best with the
SCROID for WinAmp
2001 Deadly Six Designs
This skin was an attempt at creating a very easy to use skin, with lots of intricate details. The skin looks best with the EQ over the main window, but hey, do what you wanna do.
As far as I know this skin is bug-free, save for the minimized playlist's restore button, which shifts a pixel to the right when you click it and then roll off of it without letting go. There doesn't seem to be a fix for this, as it's WinAmp's fault, but it's extremely minor.
SpawnAmp. version 1.1
Designed by Justin K
e-mail: info-is@in-file
Alright, peeps. Hope ya like SpawnAmp. It's my first. It took a few
days of playin' with it to make it look as good ...
SONIC ATTITUDE - By LuigiHann (info-is@in-file)
I started this skin a long time ago, and over the past couple of days I've shaken the dust off and finished it up. I also added a lot of cursors, many of which are animated ...