---- --------------Finally i have finished my 2nd winamp skin..This Winamp skin does really look KoolIf you Switch the Visualization to thin bands and fire sty
Finally i have finished my 2nd winamp skin..
This Winamp skin does really look Kool
If you Switch the Visualization to thin bands and fire style..
Well ppl if you wish to grab anything from my Skin then you will have to email me
Also thanks to
THK, KILDOG,TGA, EX-Morphius,Raven, PRODI-G!, and not to Forget ME
And thanks to
NULLSOFT for one of the best MP3 Players, (Well it still doesn;t beat XMMS player in linux , No offense guys) ever made...
X-Jedi Cyberflame
"Optimism isn't some stupid glass half full/glass half empty debate. It needs to go deeper than that. It's an acceptance of the knowledge that no matter what happens, we as humans can deal with it, and even more, can learn from it.
If then "
P I O N E E R D E H - 4 2 4 R
----------------{ I N F O }------------------
; author: jone
; date : 03.12.99
; for : winamp 2.24 ->
; misc : Its a new update of my old 3.0 verision
---------{ O T H E R ...
Portable Music Player (White Edition)
This skin was generated using MSPaint, Winamp, and CorelDRAW! 4
My homepage is @ http://www.and2k.force9.co.uk
My Winamp page is linked to from there.
See also the Purple and Turquoise Editions. ...