April 15th 2002Thank CHRIST I can finally finish this skinwhich is dedicated to a friend of mine, Maureen. consider it's a gift from me. Well then, thanks for d
April 15th 2002
Thank CHRIST I can finally finish this skin
which is dedicated to a friend of mine, Maureen.
consider it's a gift from me.
Well then, thanks for downloading ...
Ian Ithinx...
"Maximum Velocity"
By Stephan Hoekstra AKA Ampburner
(info-is@in-file | www.ampburner.com)
This is my latest skin called 'Maximum Velocity"
or "V-Max". I would personally describe it as
're ...
Skin Name: Music of Mars' Fireworks
Release Version: v1.1
Description: This is a Winamp skin dedicated to that pretty soldier,
Sailor Mars. It comes with fully skinned EQ, Playlist,
Playlist buttons, ...