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Condign v 1.0
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Started on: 2000.07.10
Finished on: 2001.02.12
Released on: 2002.07.21
Created by: Joshua Clark
Created with: Adobe Photoshop, Microangelo 98
E-mail: info-is@in-file
Homepage: http://joshx.virtualave.net
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This kinda reminds me of transparent pastels or I-Macs or something. Anyway, I was playing with Photoshop's layer transparentcies and I got this. The name is from the good old dictionary "Condign - deserved; adequate." I think it fits quite nicely.
Note: Vis bars look best on "Line style" :: "Thick bands"
Also, install the included font, looks better with it!
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Special Thanks
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My Computer - without it, I would have not been able to make this
My Self - For not releasing this until I was sure I wouldn't be sick of it in 2 hours
My Imagination - I still see those purple elephants! :-)
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SO! What's NEW!
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-Version 1-
The first and I hope the last version. (See my LCARSAmp and how many times I updated it. 13 times! Sheesh!) I hope this is bug free and needs no changes. Allthough any suggestions that are made will be taken and made into a possible new version, which might not be made very soon, if not at all.
dot#: grid: description:
----- ----- ------------
1. x=48: item background (background to edits, listviews, etc.)
2. x=50: item foreground (text colour of edits, listviews, etc.)
3. x=52: window background (used to set the bg color for the dialo ...
Skin Name = CFv10 (aka Cold Fused)
Skin Verison = 10.0
Skin Author = Joe W. Garrett (aka "Garet Jax")
Author Email = info-is@in-file
Special Features:
All parts of this winamp skin are done.
Winamp Main - Skinned
Winamp Equ ...