This skin contains 2 versions of EQMAIN.BMP. The default doesn't support equalizer. If you need it open the skin with winzip and rename the "EQMAN.
This skin contains 2 versions of EQMAIN.BMP. The default doesn't support equalizer. If you need it open the skin with winzip and rename the "EQMAN.BMP" file into someother and name the "EQMAIN - with EQ.BMP" to "EQMAIN.BMP".
Send your comments to info-is@in-file
Hello, my name is Claire. I am 24 and I live in Wolverhampton in the UK. I am an artist. My main interest is Ceramic sculpture but I also draw and paint. This is not my first skin. I did Moth and Immortals II, and also Lexx amp, Welsh amp, IDSS and Dead m ...
-- Harappa Skin ---
by TazThemes
This skin is based on the website, a media spigot to South Asia's past.
Once visited I decided to use the site's graphics
for a WinAmp skin. I was brought to this by the e-india skin.
The skin is c ...