f a u s t v 0 0 0 1-------------------------------------------------Wazzup! This is my 2nd newest skin...eww bad start.Garet Jax is not liable for what stupid pe
f a u s t v 0 0 0 1
Wazzup! This is my 2nd newest skin...eww bad start.
Garet Jax is not liable for what stupid people do
with my skin.
* You may not use parts of this skin unless you ask.
* You can use the skin if you change 90% of it.
* if you use anything you must send me a copy (email).
* if you fail to meet the above I will find it and humiliate you.
anything skin relevant is found in this document
(its called readme.html // readme.txt)
if you don't want to make it your default, be my
guest, but at least you may want take a look at it.
Here are some of my more predominate skins found @ various websites
winamp 1.x/2.x
Dev. Date/Time FileSize Name
21/01/* 10:47 110,667 AliciaKeys
20/04/* 02:07 66,414 AquaTube
11/01/* 12:14 61,965 bloodtube
27/01/* 05:38 61,622 CFv9
04/02/* 02:21 81,945 CFv10
27/01/* 05:42 114,963 COLD_FUSION_FINALITY
25/01/* 11:44 86,487 copper
25/01/* 12:06 169,977 Core
01/11/* 09:10 79,455 Damotta_Red
31/01/* 12:07 71,854 devour2
18/10/* 08:33 108,426 DEVOUR
01/11/* 09:11 53,750 DigitalViagra
22/01/* 05:49 128,979 Entice
30/05/* 03:33 108,426 Faust
01/11/* 09:10 136,342 FreeFall
22/01/* 06:04 147,312 Gogan1-0
25/01/* 12:06 113,137 GreedMonkey-Blue
21/12/* 11:53 70,445 HempTube
01/11/* 09:10 50,864 Ice_Fusion_Classic
18/10/* 08:32 74,811 iceGen2
01/11/* 09:05 68,468 JadeTube2
02/12/* 01:53 69,957 JadeTube3
27/10/* 01:15 66,691 JadeTube
22/01/* 05:52 91,278 m2
21/04/* 04:27 78,798 odec
22/01/* 05:46 101,039 pehtuk
29/04/* 12:40 487,860 plasma
22/05/* 11:10 186,860 quiver
01/11/* 09:10 125,587 Shiznat_-_Update
01/11/* 09:11 179,792 Singe_1
01/11/* 09:11 71,013 Slick_4b
01/11/* 09:12 198,981 Slick_-_3
18/10/* 08:32 103,163 Slick_Series_5
22/01/* 05:51 78,466 slickfusion
22/01/* 05:54 38,762 winampfusion
06/05/* 02:01 85,917 saiTechnic
* InTube (In-Dev)
* beowulf 1.0
distribute this skin freely, but don't delete the
Name: Joe W. Garrett
DevTime: 2 Weeks
Alias: Garet Jax, 20.05.2002
web: http://www15.brinkster.com/garetjax
mail: info-is@in-file
Thanks to the skin love forum and The Only Lynx, Ampburner for being the guys that tell me to do better.
btw. if you are not on the thanks list I'm sorry...to many people always help out and well...I don't
have that much free time. LMAO. Peace
(c) g a r e t j a x ( 2 0 0 2 )
Fatal - Polymetal Skin: Garet Jax
My Newest Skin! (a polymetal basically a blend of fusion + metal styles.)
I hope u like it, download and comments also appreciated.
Copy ...
FlatBlue for Winamp 2.9
changed some details
FlatBlue for Winamp 2.9
Albumlist, Gucchi's Lyrics Displayer, TmsVU,
and MuchFX2(to exchange, using "Resourse Hacker".)
Do not use any stuff of th ...