T4 by Coy2k27 October 2005Special thanks goes out to h2o(h2o-.deviantart.com)who gave me permission to work on his unfinished projectThanks also goes out to T
T4 by Coy2k
27 October 2005
Special thanks goes out to h2o
who gave me permission
to work on his unfinished project
Thanks also goes out to Trevor
Copyrights by Me
Whirling Illusion --- by Jellby
(April-May 2002)
To install the included presets, open the .wsz file with winzip and extract the file 'WhirlingIllusion.avs' directly into your winamppluginsavs folder or in a subfolder.
To use the preset, just ...
Winamp XP Silver
- info-is@in-file ----------------------------------
Extra skins:
Album List plug ...